1. Going to Rehab at Night Allows You to Take Care of Your Daily Responsibilities

Many people do not have the luxury of taking 30, 60, or 90 days away from work, school, or their family to go to a residential treatment program. A nighttime IOP in Massachusetts can provide you with individualized addiction treatment without robbing you of the ability to follow through with your daily obligations.

Continue Working

Whether you work a standard 9-5 or a changing weekly schedule, evening IOP is flexible in its scheduling so you can continue working while going to rehab. While worker benefits like FMLA allow some people to take unpaid time off work for treatment, not everyone has these benefits and some who do cannot afford to reduce their pay. At the same time, maintaining employment while addicted can be a challenge in itself. Nighttime IOP allows you to get sober and pursue your career.

Continue Attending Classes

Individuals between the age of 18-30 are the most susceptible to substance abuse and addiction.[1] Coincidentally, this is the population that includes the majority of first-time college students. If you are a student who is worried about falling behind in your classes, losing your scholarships, or losing your student housing, you may consider a nighttime IOP that allows you to balance school with rehab by attending classes during the day and rehab at night.

Be Present in Your Family’s Life

One barrier to treatment for many parents is the thought of having to be away from their kids for an extended period of time. Additionally, some people are single parents who do not have family close by to care for their kids while they go to inpatient treatment. Nighttime IOP allows parents to be present in their kids’ lives while getting the care they need. If you are a parent who is responsible for caring for a minor, an evening rehab program may be right for you.

2. Nighttime IOP is Cheaper than Day Treatment and Inpatient Rehab

A 30-day stay at an inpatient rehab center can leave you with a hefty bill, even after insurance. You have to pay for housing, food, staffing, and more. Even if you attend day treatment (PHP), you are paying for 4-5 hours of therapy, five days a week, for a total of 25 hours each week. While insurance can help reduce the cost of rehab, treatment can still be expensive–just not as expensive as addiction.

Nighttime IOP at Woburn Addiction Treatment is held from 6-9 P.M., Monday through Thursday. This comes to a total of 12 hours each week. Fewer hours of therapy are not recommended for those with severe addictions, however, it is more affordable than other higher levels of care.

If you are someone with a strong support system at home who does not need around-the-clock care, nighttime IOP may be suitable for you. It may also save you money–especially if you don’t have health insurance!

3. End Your Day on a High Note

Early sobriety can be challenging. The thought of staying sober forever is overwhelming for many people, and even disheartening to talk about. Instead, people in recovery are encouraged to take their sobriety “one day at a time.”

You may wake up thinking of all of your responsibilities that day. You may get through the day easily by staying busy, without giving a second thought to drugs and alcohol. However, as the evening rolls around and more free time creeps up on you, your mind may begin to wander and the stress of the day can take a toll on you. By going to a nighttime IOP in Massachusetts, you can end your day on a high (but sober) note.

Sometimes, all it takes to refocus on your sobriety is a gentle reminder from your therapist. Others, all it takes is accountability to your sober peers. Nighttime rehab provides you with both of these tools to end your day with. So, no matter what the day brings, you can be sure your head hits your pillow sober.

4. Get Support From Other Busy, Like-Minded Individuals

Having a strong support group can help you prevent relapse, so it’s important to make relationships with other sober, like-minded individuals.[2] As someone with daily responsibilities to tend to, you may find it difficult to foster new relationships. After all, when are you supposed to socialize when you have so many responsibilities on your shoulders?

When you attend a nighttime IOP in Massachusetts, you’ll meet people from all walks of life who share the same common goal as you. They will all be trying to get sober, stay sober, and live a sober life. By simply attending your scheduled therapy sessions, you can meet lifelong friends who will support you throughout your recovery.

nighttime iop in massachusetts

Get The Care You Need and Deserve

Woburn Addiction Treatment is a leader in the addiction treatment field, with proven success in facilitating long-term recovery. Our team of top clinical & medical experts specializes in treating addiction coupled with mental illness, ensuring that each person receives individualized care. Call us – we’re available 24/day, 7 days/week.

(781) 622-9190

Find Out if Nighttime IOP is Right For You

Are you or a loved one trying to find evening drug and alcohol treatment MA residents can attend while raising a family, taking daytime classes, or working? Our IOP program in Massachusetts is held four nights per week, Monday through Thursday, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Group intensive outpatient program sessions help attendees with goal setting, skill-building, and resources for a continuing recovery process after the evening IOP ends. Admissions counselors are standing by right now to take your call and help you decide whether or not our nighttime IOP is right for you. Call now to get started.


  1. https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/WebFiles_TEDS_SR142_AgeatInit_07-10-14/TEDS-SR142-AgeatInit-2014.pdf
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5047716/
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