If you struggle with addiction, you know how challenging it can be to endure your struggles alone. In fact, addiction is often referred to as a disease of isolation because it makes people isolate themselves from their loved ones. However, an important component of addiction recovery is support from family and friends. As a result, it’s vital that your family has the opportunity to get involved in your addiction treatment and recovery process.

Addiction is a devastating condition that affects individuals and their families alike. As a result of addiction, family members often develop resentment, negative coping mechanisms, codependency, and a host of other issues that can cause the deterioration of a healthy family unit. By involving your family in your recovery, you give everyone, even yourself, the chance to heal from addiction.

What the Evidence Shows About Family Involvement in Addiction Treatment and Recovery

Researchers have pinpointed two primary reasons why families should get involved in the routine addiction treatment of loved ones.[1]

  1. Families are negatively affected by addiction and family-focused treatment services are able to reduce the harm to individual family members as well as the entire family unit.
  2. Family involvement increases treatment entry, enhances treatment completion, and is attributed to better treatment outcomes for the individual being treated.

While it is certainly possible to get sober without the support of your family, doing so can make treatment and recovery much harder. Your family is part of who you are, and when they are involved and supporting you, you’ll have more motivation to participate in therapy, complete treatment, and even stay sober after rehab.

Benefits of Family Involvement in Addiction Treatment and Recovery

Addiction experts have identifies three goals of family-focused treatment services.[1] These are:

  1. Working closely with family members to promote entry to treatment and engagement in treatment of the individual seeking help.
  2. Involving family members in the treatment process.
  3. Providing services to individual family members, when needed.

These goals end up benefiting the family as well as the person suffering from addiction.

By incorporating family-focused treatment into your substance abuse rehab experience, you can:

  • Improve your chances of staying sober after treatment
  • Address issues within your family unit
  • Educate your family members about the disease of addiction and how to support your recovery
  • Give your family members an opportunity to speak with a therapist and get help with their problems
  • Feel more supported throughout the addiction treatment and recovery process

Family therapy, in particular, is thought to enhance family resilience, structure, and relationships. It can also help family members develop problem-solving skills, coping skills, and healthy behaviors.[2]

family involvement in addiction

Get The Care You Need and Deserve

Woburn Addiction Treatment is a leader in the addiction treatment field, with proven success in facilitating long-term recovery. Our team of top clinical & medical experts specializes in treating addiction coupled with mental illness, ensuring that each person receives individualized care. Call us – we’re available 24/day, 7 days/week.

(781) 622-9190

How Can My Family Get Involved in My Addiction Recovery?

Recovery is not something you should do alone, and having your family’s unending support can help boost your morale and incentivize you to stay sober. Here are three practical ways your family can get involved in your addiction treatment and recovery process.

Your Family Can Visit You During Rehab

Throughout your stay at a Massachusetts rehab center, your family will be able to visit you during rehab. You may even be able to leave the rehab facility for a few hours to spend time with your family in private. These visits are a great opportunity to begin strengthening the bond between you and your family members.

Family Therapy Sessions for Everyone

Your addiction has probably impacted your family members in various ways. Family therapy sessions can help address the effects of your addiction, the dynamics between your family members, and any other issues you may have. Family therapy is one of the best ways to get your family involved in your addiction treatment and recovery experience.

Al-Anon Meetings and Other Support Groups

Al-Anon meetings were created shortly after Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups began gaining popularity in the U.S. Al-Anon meetings are for family members of alcoholics or addicts who could benefit from support. If you have family members who want to learn more about supporting an addicted loved one in recovery, Al-Anon and other support groups for families of addicts are great places to start.

Begin Your Recovery Journey Today

Your family includes some of the most important people in your life, and even though your family unit may have been devastated by the effects of addiction, there is hope. Family involvement in the addiction treatment and recovery process is important not only for the individual struggling with addiction but his or her family as well. If you’re looking for a reliable addiction treatment center in Massachusetts that will consider your needs as well as the needs of your family, you’ve come to the right place. Give us a call today to see how we can help and begin your recovery journey.


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