Millions of people in the United States are currently living with untreated addiction. If you are one of them or love someone who is, you probably understand the emotional and physical toll addiction can take on the addict and their community.

Out of the many people who need treatment, only a small percentage will get the help they need. The process of getting help for an addiction does not need to be difficult or overwhelming. If you have questions about starting treatment or getting support during recovery, reach out to the staff at Woburn Addiction Treatment to hear about our programs.

During addiction treatment, people receive support and gain new skills and perspectives that can help them manage their addiction. Even with treatment, addiction is never really “cured”. Instead, people who live with addiction must find ways to stay committed to sobriety for the rest of their lives.

After completing treatment, they must apply those skills to their real lives. This can be very challenging. It is important to find structure and support after completing an addiction treatment program to avoid relapse. Engaging in some form of drug rehab aftercare can help people be successful at maintaining their healthy, sober lifestyle after treatment.

What is an Aftercare Program?

No two people have the exact same experience with addiction. This is true in recovery, too. Everyone must create an aftercare program that meets their unique needs and find the support that helps them stay committed to sobriety.

Some examples of drug rehab aftercare include:

  • Spending time in a sober living house or community after rehab
  • Outpatient programs (OP)
  • Individual therapy
  • 12-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Self Management and Recovery Training (SMART)
  • Alumni groups
  • Sober community meetups and activities
  • Holistic therapies, activities, and treatments

In some cases, people who complete rehab find that they need to form a new social group or increase their support. Engaging in drug rehab aftercare can help people connect with new people and resources in the community. Staying active in recovery by having regular, meaningful activities can help people avoid relapse, form new social groups, and find new meaning in their lives.

Why is Drug Rehab Aftercare Important?

Real, lifelong recovery from addiction requires a lot of commitment and energy. When people leave rehab, they often feel energized and confident about their new, sober lifestyle. But life after treatment can still present challenges. Friends, family, situations, triggers–they are the same, even if your perspectives and skills are not. It can be easy to lose steam or feel discouraged in recovery. Even just leaving the structure and support of rehab behind may feel overwhelming.

This is where aftercare programs can help. Developing an aftercare plan may help you avoid relapse by giving you some of the support, structure, and engagement you experienced during rehab. It provides:

  • Regular opportunities to renew your commitment to sobriety
  • Non-judgmental support
  • A community of peers and professionals who understand addiction
  • Connection with community resources
  • A new community and social group

As you adapt to your new routines, habits, and lifestyle, your aftercare plan will offer the support and structure you need to have a smooth transition back into your life after rehab.

How to Develop an Aftercare Program

In many cases, you will have an opportunity to develop an aftercare program while you are in treatment. When creating your aftercare plan, you may find it helpful to identify:

  • Your unique needs: Do you need mental health or medical care? Housing assistance? Help to find work?
  • Triggers: Are there certain people, situations, or challenges you will need to avoid?
  • What helped during treatment: Did you enjoy group support sessions or individual counseling? Were there holistic therapies like yoga, art, or outdoor recreation that you enjoyed?

Once you identify your needs and preferences, you can ask your substance abuse counselor to help you locate community groups and resources that might meet your needs. Or, if you have already graduated from rehab, look for local addiction counselors and 12-step meetings online.

New triggers and challenges may mean you need more support in recovery as time goes on. Aftercare planning can be changed or adapted to meet your developing needs as they come up.

drug rehab aftercare

Get The Care You Need and Deserve

Woburn Addiction Treatment is a leader in the addiction treatment field, with proven success in facilitating long-term recovery. Our team of top clinical & medical experts specializes in treating addiction coupled with mental illness, ensuring that each person receives individualized care. Call us – we’re available 24/day, 7 days/week.

(781) 622-9190

Learn More About the Importance of Drug Rehab Aftercare at Woburn Addiction Treatment

At Woburn Addiction Treatment, we believe that anyone is capable of recovering from addiction and living the life they choose. To do this, people must have tailored treatment programs and the right support. That is why we offer a range of adaptable, comprehensive programs designed to empower people to win their fight against addiction.

Whether you need addiction treatment or assistance at any stage of recovery, we would love to hear from you. Don’t wait another moment for the help you need and deserve. Call today to speak with one of our admissions counselors.

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