If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction or mental health, we can help. Request a call.

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Casey Burke

Director of Operations

Casey has seen both sides of addiction from his experience working in the field of substance use disorders and mental health treatment as well as from his own personal battle with addiction. In recovery himself, Casey has taken an active role in the community and is a strong advocate for those still suffering from substance use disorders. As Program Director, Casey oversees the day-to-day operations of the Woburn Addiction Treatment Day Treatment and Intensive Outpatient (IOP) programs and ensures that each individual’s needs are taken care of in a respectful and timely manner. He is always willing to meet individuals and families where they are at in their recovery process, all while making sure they have the resources needed for their aftercare plans to achieve long-term sobriety. Casey’s perspective comes from the point of view of someone who has been through the addiction and recovery processes, which allows him to relate to individuals in treatment on a personal level. Casey uses this as the building block for him to establish a foundation of relatability, connection, experience, and trust with all who enter treatment.

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