If you have been watching someone you love and care about suffering at the hands of a substance abuse disorder, you likely feel helpless, defeated, and alone. You might be at the end of your rope – wondering what to do and where to turn.

The good news is that feeling defeated is quite normal and that there are several steps you can take to help your loved one overcome addiction once and for all. It is important to remember, however, that addiction is a cunning, baffling, and powerful disease, and that it can be unpredictable because of this. There is always a chance that things do not go as planned or intended. Learn more about what is the role of an interventionist.

Searching for a Reputable Addiction Interventionist

If you have run out of other options and you have begun looking into a professionally staged intervention, make sure that you keep your expectations realistic and understand that there is no 100 percent success rate – even when it comes to the most experienced and well-versed interventionists. At Woburn Addiction Treatment we work closely with several well-known and thoroughly trained interventionists, all of whom boast an extremely high success rate. If you are not sure where else to turn, we are available to help. If you are still wondering whether or not an intervention is necessary, we have listed several indications below.

If you are not sure whether or not an intervention is necessary, consider the following:

  • An intervention is likely necessary if your loved one has begun engaging in extremely dangerous and risky behavior, like driving while intoxicated or engaging in illegal activities to support his or her habit.
  • If your loved one has experienced an overdose and still refuses to seek treatment, an intervention is likely necessary.
  • Your loved one has experienced significant personal consequences as a direct result of his or her substance use, like financial issues, problems at work or school, legal issues, or interpersonal problems (like divorce).
  • Your loved one has been to treatment repeatedly and has either left against medical advice or relapsed almost immediately after treatment.
  • Substance abuse disorder is rapidly progressing and worsening.

If your loved one meets any of the above-listed criteria, there is a good chance that he or she would benefit immensely from a professionally staged intervention. For more information or to be put into touch with one of our professional interventionists, reach out today.

role of interventionist

Get The Care You Need and Deserve

Woburn Addiction Treatment is a leader in the addiction treatment field, with proven success in facilitating long-term recovery. Our team of top clinical & medical experts specializes in treating addiction coupled with mental illness, ensuring that each person receives individualized care. Call us – we’re available 24/day, 7 days/week.

(781) 622-9190

What Does an Addiction Interventionist Do?

What is the role of an interventionist? An interventionist is a man or woman who organizes and facilitates the intervention. The interventionist serves many vital roles from the beginning of the process through the end of the process – and even offers additional support and guidance to the loved ones of the addict or alcoholic if he or she refuses treatment. The interventionist carries out the following tasks and offers the following services:

He or she meets with the loved ones of the addict or alcoholic for an in-depth consultation. The parameters of the substance abuse disorder are discussed, and the treatment goals are determined. The interventionist spends a good amount of time getting to know the family.

He or she decides who will participate in the intervention. The only people in attendance must be people who are close to the addict or alcoholic – people who interact with him or her daily, in most cases.

He or she is present during the intervention and facilitates the conversation. If emotions get heightened at any point in time, the interventionist makes sure that the conversation does not derail and that things stay on track.

The interventionist helps the family choose a reputable treatment center.

The interventionist helps the family members set and maintain healthy personal boundaries, which are to be enforced if their loved one fails to accept treatment.

Find an Adduction Interventionist Near Me

To learn more about Woburn Addiction Treatment and our intervention or treatment services, reach out to us today. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you and your loved one in any and every way we possibly can. Our counseling programs can connect you with a reputable interventionist near me that will fit the situation for a positive outcome.

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