You may have come to the conclusion that you have a serious problem with drugs or alcohol. If you’ve reached that perplexing point where you just cannot stop no matter how hard you try, you most likely should consider a treatment facility. You want to make sure you get yourself into the right type of treatment program. The best facilities will offer treatment for a diverse array of addictions. Here the common types of addiction that a drug rehab facility can help with.


The earliest treatment facilities addressed the disease of alcoholism. Treatment centers focused on helping alcoholics begin a life without booze. This option was far more appealing than the old solution of housing alcoholics in mental institutions.

The medical field tried for decades to find a cure. Eventually, through an almost accidental coincidence, it was discovered that alcoholics working with each other raised the probability that they could stay sober. From this theory, the early models for treatment centers began.

Drug Abuse

Each time a new drug hits the streets, treatment centers are presented with another chemically induced addiction to battle. Most treatment centers today will accept clients with a variety of substance abuse issues.

While you should be honest about your drug of choice when considering a facility, most will offer help for any type of drug or alcohol addiction. Here are some drug-based addictions that treatment facilities can help with.

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Prescription drugs including opioid type painkillers
  • Heroin
  • Crystal methamphetamine
  • Ecstasy, or MDMA
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
  • Fentanyl

This list is long, yet still not inclusive of all narcotic types of drugs that can lead to abuse. There are other types of stimulants and even over-the-counter drugs can lead to an addiction.

Once you succumb to any of these chemicals, the risk of addiction is immediate. Often, the phenomenon of craving takes off instantly. Any degree of addiction involving these drugs can turn your life upside down, or ultimately lead to death.

Behavioral Disorders

There are some theories that present the idea that a drug is a drug, is a drug. This ideology removes the focus off the substance, and begins to look at individual behaviors that are responsible for an addictive lifestyle. Many people suffer from a variety of mental conditions.

A common answer is to attempt to mask problems with alcohol or drugs. Frequently, this practice of self-medication does little more support the theory behind an addictive personality. Here are three behavioral maladies that a professional therapist can help with, issues that are commonly found to trigger drug and alcohol addiction.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) –

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – This one of the more commonly uncovered disorders associated with substance abuse. Drug counselors have the experience to help you if one of your addictions stems from being OCD.

Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) –

Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – This is another problem disorder that seems to fuel drug and alcohol addiction. One of the inherent characteristics of ADHD is an inability to control, particularly excessive behaviors such as drinking and drug use.

Depressive Disorders –

Depressive Disorders – Likewise, issues with depression can be a direct link between drug abuse and alcoholism. The multitude of depression type disorders results in one of the highest rates of self-medication through drug and alcohol abuse.

Treatment programs will incorporate different approaches as part of an individualized treatment plan. Discovering and treating a variety of mental disorders that are part of drug or alcohol addiction is referred to as dual diagnosis.

Through group sessions or individual counseling, caring professionals will help you to uncover the causes and symptoms that are most likely at the core of a substance abuse problem. Just like the list of addictive drugs, there are a number of addictive behaviors that can be helped through seeking treatment.

Drug abuse and alcoholism are invariably a result of deeper issues. Drug rehabs and treatment faculties understand this and are equipped to help with various types of addictive behavior. The ultimate goal is to uncover the root cause your addiction.

If you feel you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, seek help today. You don’t have to agonize over why. Leave this to those who are trained to help you deal with a variety of addictive behaviors, including those that can create unfathomable turmoil in your life. Make the call today to begin your journey of recovery.

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