If you’ve ever known someone who struggles with addiction, you know how difficult it can be to convince them to get help. Addiction is a disease strung through with denial. When confronted about their substance abuse, many drug users get defensive and deny having a problem at all. And, when they do agree to get help, many are unwilling to go to a long-term rehab program.

Fortunately, 12-day drug and alcohol rehab programs in Woburn, MA can help introduce reluctant patients to a lifestyle of recovery. These programs can also benefit people with mild addictions who don’t need long-term care, those who have already gone to rehab and have had a brief relapse, or those who cannot take time away from school, work, or family to attend an extended-care program.

While it is always recommended that patients stay in treatment for as long as needed, you may be curious about whether or not you or a loved one qualify for a 12-day drug and alcohol rehab program.

How Long Does it Take to Recover From Addiction?

A 30, 60, and even a 90-day treatment program will not cure your addiction. In fact, there is no rehab program out there that will completely cure you. Addiction is a complex and progressive disease that requires ongoing treatment. Most people have to attend 12-step meetings or other recovery support groups for several years, if not indefinitely after they leave rehab.

Addiction doesn’t develop overnight, and recovery is an ongoing process – not a “one-and-done” solution. There is also no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” treatment approach because everyone is unique. The best addiction treatment programs in Woburn, MA, will tailor treatment to your individual needs to maximize your time in treatment.

While a 12-day drug and alcohol rehab in Woburn is unlikely to secure your sobriety forever, it is enough time to separate you from addictive substances and introduce you to the skills and resources you’ll need to embark on your recovery journey.

Who is 12-Day Drug and Alcohol Rehab Intended For?

Short-term addiction treatment is a great option for many people. Here are the four primary types of people who qualify for 12-day rehab in Woburn, MA.

People Who Refuse Long-Term Care

Committing to several months in rehab can push many struggling addicts away. However, many are far more willing to commit to 12 days or two weeks of treatment.

While this isn’t enough time to fully learn all of the coping skills needed to stay sober, it is enough time to get you or a loved one detoxed, feeling better, introduced to a sober lifestyle, and educated on the recovery resources available in the community. And, after 12 days, your treatment plan can be reviewed. If you or your loved one decide you are willing to stay in treatment longer, a substance abuse counselor can work with you to adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

People With Mild Addictions or Sporadic Substance Use

Some people have mild addictions or struggle with sporadic substance abuse. If you don’t require detox or you don’t abuse drugs and alcohol every day, you may not need intensive, long-term rehab. Instead, you may be a good candidate for short-term addiction treatment.

People Who Have Briefly Relapsed

Some of the best candidates for a 12-day drug and alcohol rehab program in Woburn, MA, are people who have recently relapsed. While someone who returns to a long-term pattern of drug abuse may be better for a long-term residential program, people who have experienced a brief relapse may be better off at a short-term program.

If you have recently completed treatment and relapsed, it’s likely that you only need detox, relapse prevention, and a better aftercare program. 12 days is plenty of time to get you feeling better. It also allows time for you to meet with a therapist and discuss the reasons for your relapse and how you can prevent another relapse in the future.

People Who Can’t Sacrifice 30, 60, or 90 Days For Treatment

In a perfect world, you would be able to take as much time off of work, school, or caring for your children as you need to get yourself healthy. However, this isn’t the case for many people. If you are a new mother who has just given birth or a single father that works two jobs, it may be unrealistic for you to drop all of your responsibilities to go to rehab for a month or more.

It may be easier, however, to have a family member take care of your children for 12 days or use two weeks of vacation time at work. Whatever your unique situation is, 12-day drug and alcohol rehab in Woburn exists to help people who don’t have the luxury of long-term care to obtain the life-saving treatment they deserve.

12-day drug and alcohol rehab

Get The Care You Need and Deserve

Woburn Addiction Treatment is a leader in the addiction treatment field, with proven success in facilitating long-term recovery. Our team of top clinical & medical experts specializes in treating addiction coupled with mental illness, ensuring that each person receives individualized care. Call us – we’re available 24/day, 7 days/week.

(781) 622-9190

Learn More About Our 12-Day Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Woburn, MA

Long-term addiction treatment isn’t right for everyone. A shorter rehab program may be able to get you back on your feet without requiring you to sacrifice entire months of your life. To learn more about our 12-day addiction treatment program in Woburn or to learn if it is right for you, pick up the phone and call one of our dedicated treatment professionals today.

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